Getting Started

The reference hardware platform for Basic MAC is the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 LoRa®/Sigfox™ Discovery Kit.

The shell variable $MACREPO is used below to refer to your local Basic MAC directory.


The required tools to build and work with Basic MAC are listed below. It’s always a good idea to also have a look at the .travis.yml file in the root directory of the project; this file controls the continuous integration build and provides all the information necessary to perform this task.


It is recommended to use a recent Linux distribution as build host. To build a Basic MAC project, you must have an appropriate cross-compile toolchain installed.

We use Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) with gcc-arm-none-eabi and libnewlib-arm-none-eabi.

Python 3.8 or newer

The build environment uses a number of tools that are written in Python. An environment with a Python 3.8 interpreter or newer is required.


To load firmware onto actual hardware, a tool such as OpenOCD must be used.

Cloning the Repository

Getting the Source Code

Clone the repository from GitHub, including all submodules:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules $MAC_REPO

Required Python Modules

The Python modules required by the build and simulation tools can be installed using pip:

$ pip3 install -r $MAC_REPO/basicloader/requirements.txt
$ pip3 install -r $MAC_REPO/requirements.txt

Build Process

Building the Bootloaders

The Basic MAC HAL for STM32 employs a bootloader, Basic Loader, to load and start the actual firmware. This bootloader also applies any firmware updates and verifies the integrity of the current firmware before calling the firmware’s entrypoint.

To build Basic Loader, change to the basicloader directory and type make:

$ cd $MAC_REPO/basicloader
$ make

The output of the build process for each supported platform is a file named bootloader.hex.

Building a Project

Projects are built from their respective subfolder in the projects directory. A simple example project is the Join Example project in $MAC_REPO/projects/ex-join.

Build settings, such as target platform, compile time and configuration options are specified in the project’s Makefile.

To build a project, simply change into the project’s directory and run make:

$ cd $MAC_REPO/projects/ex-join
$ make

Multiple variants of a project can be built, such as versions for different regions, or platforms. The Join Example project builds four variants: eu868, us915, hybrid (supports both EU868 and US915), and simul (for use with the simulation environment).

The output files of the build process are stored in the project’s build-<variant> folders, with the firmware hex file having the same name as the project with a .hex extension; in this case ex-join.hex.

Loading a Project

After a project is built, it can be loaded onto a device. Note that both the bootloader and the firmware must be loaded, although since the bootloader rarely changes, it is generally only loaded once.


You may need to install udev rules to grant permissions to regular users for accessing the ST-LINKv2 device. You can install these using the tar file provided in the Basic MAC repository with following command:

$ sudo tar xzvf $MAC_REPO/tools/openocd/stlink-rules.tgz -C /etc/udev/rules.d/

To load the bootloader and the firmware, respectively, use the loadbl and load make targets:

$ make loadbl       # if not already done previously
$ make load

If multiple variants are present, this will load the default variant, which is generally the first variant specified in the project’s Makefile.


The HAL for STM32 stores personalization information such as EUIs and keys for LoRaWAN operation in EEPROM.

If no valid personalization information is found in EEPROM, the HAL will create a device EUI from the MCU’s Unique ID registers, and use a fixed Join EUI and test key:

  • Device EUI: FF-FF-FF-AA-xx-xx-xx-xx

  • Join EUI: FF-FF-FF-BB-00-00-00-00

  • Device Key: 404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F

You can see the device EUI used by your board in the debug output.

Viewing Debug Output

On the B-L072Z-LRWAN1, the firmware prints debug information to the UART that is connected via the ST-LINK to the host computer. On Linux, this device usually shows up as /dev/ttyACM0. Use a serial terminal application to connect to that port, using 2000000/8-N-1; for example using

$ /dev/ttyACM0 2000000

--- Miniterm on /dev/ttyACM0  2000000,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---

============== DEBUG STARTED ==============
id: FF-FF-FF-AA-2B-05-01-41 | sn:  | hw: 0x000 | flash: 192K
bl: v256 | fw: ex-join eu868 0x00000000 0x8B27E203 | boot: normal
Hello World!
switching mode: normal
TX[freq=868.1,sf=7,bw=125,len=23]: 0000000000BBFFFFFF4101052BAAFFFFFFECF2B6412021



The Join Example has support for running the LoRaWAN Certification test suite and an application level test suite within the device simulation using the test make target of the simul variant:

$ VARIANT=simul make test
PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:../../unicorn/simul \
        TEST_HEXFILES='build-simul/ex-join.hex ../../basicloader/build/boards/simul-unicorn/bootloader.hex' \
Ward 0.48.0b0, CPython 3.8.0
Collected 18 tests and 4 fixtures in 1.32 seconds.

 PASS  test_exjoin:20: Join
 PASS  test_exjoin:26: Uplink
 PASS  test_exjoin:41: Downlink
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:40: 2.1 Device Activation
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:45: 2.2 Test Application Functionality
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:61: 2.3 Over The Air Activation
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:100: 2.4 Packet error rate RX2 default DR
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:116: 2.5 Cryptography
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:133: 2.6 Downlink Window Timing
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:141: 2.7 Frame Sequence Number
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:163: 2.8 DevStatusReq MAC Command
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:176: 2.9 MAC commands
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:194: 2.10 NewChannelReq MAC Command
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:236: 2.11 DlChannelReq MAC Command
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:318: 2.12 Confirmed Packets
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:366: 2.13 RXParamSetupReq MAC Command
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:410: 2.14 RXTimingSetupReq Command
 PASS  test_lwcert103eu868:444: 2.15 LinkADRReq MAC Command

SUCCESS in 44.71 seconds [ 18 passed ]